Гласных не досталось
Ch.: Oh, will you come to the mission,

Will you come, come, come,

There’s a nice cup of tea

And a bun, and a bun!

Abandon the gloomy shadows,

Abandon the creepy smile,

We can go through superstitions

We can live another life.

The drink that in the living vein

Is not the drink for me

I’ll better drink delicious vine,

Cocoa, milk and tea.


Oh we can drink brandy and gin

If it’s handy, and we can sup whisky and rum,

But the drink we abhor and we drink no more

Is the drink with the “B”

I don’t want even see.

We adore a garlic pie

We can drink some holy water

Not afraid of Omnish sign,

Silver daggers, sticks of pine.
